Monday, July 16, 2012

Daily Love - The way to a man's heart

is through his tummy, "they" say.  "They" is pretty smart again :)  I made the honey brownie batter waffles (thank you Rachel Ray) Saturday morning for breakfast.  He had to wake me up and push me out of bed to do it, but I did it, nonetheless.  I have to say, I love to cook for my hubby.  I don't do it often enough (insert excuses here), but it is quite rewarding to nourish those you love with enjoyable edibles.  They were absolutely delicious, by the way, but how could they not be considering the primary ingredient was a box of brownie mix.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Daily Love - Start small, they say

To my honey bunny - Today I read a blog by a very inspiring couple who seem very good at keeping their marriage fun and interesting and loving and all that jazz.  While you and I have a great marriage, I am interested in making a commitment to show you I love you through my actions on a daily basis.  That doesn't sound so hard, does it?  It doesn't really sound very hard at all, but I have a feeling it will be harder than I think it will be, because day to day trivialities can trump showing our love for each other before you know it :)  I started this blog awhile back about doing crafty type things, but didn't really stick with the blogging so much.  I see this blog now as a way to hold myself accountable with loving you daily.

Daily Love - Start small, they say

I don't know who "they" is, but sometimes "they" is pretty darn smart.  My first effort at Daily Loving in the form of a text:

Me:  I sure am glad you're my bestest friend :)
You:  Me too ;)

We say I love you all the time.  And I'm glad we do, but sometimes, saying we love each other in a different way warms up the blood pumper a little bit more.  When I got that itty bitty winky face back from my non-emoticon using hubby, I lit up on the inside.  Hope he did, too.